My laptop is on today’s FastCo.Labs “Sticker Styling: 14 Laptop Covers from Tech Innovators” right up there with Matt Mullenweg. Does this mean I’m an official “tech innovator”?
The article says:
“Ranging from cluttered, seemingly random piles of logos to minimalist, playful twists on the Apple laptop glow, the photos speak volumes about the people on the other side of the screens.”
I like to think mine hints at the love-hate relationship I have with Apple.
At least that’s what I usually tell people. It also kind of reminds me of making applesauce every fall, but the love-hate thing is definitely a better conversation starter. I love how the decal fits perfectly around the apple, and the handle on the apple corer aligns perfectly with the USB slot, where I keep a micro receiver for my mouse.
I can’t take credit for the decal—I bought it from a vendor at the SOWA open market in Boston. She had the best packaging and displays, but I can’t for the life of me find a link to her site or remember he name. Sorry! If you happen to know, or are the person that made the sticker, please let me know if the comments so I can credit you!